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太和宫(The Palace of Supreme Harmony)
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:


  The Palace of Supreme Harmony ,Built in the 14th year of Emperor Yongle in Ming Dynasty (1416), adopted the royal architectural style of Ming Dynasty, emphasized the supreme power of God and Emperor, with the height of Sky Pillar Peak and smart layout, the Palace of Supreme Harmony is regarded as the beautiful paradise. The Golden Summit, main building of the palace, lies on the top of the Sky Pillar Peak, is of complete gilded bronze structure. With its fine craftsmanship, it is the best art of bronze-casting in Ming Dynasty. After more than 500 years, the hall still glitters under the sun as then. It is one of the wonders of Chinese ancient architecture. The base is paved with carefully carved granites and the railings are decorated with the white, smooth stone flowers which are fossils with the shape like bamboo leaves and trilobite fossils. At the Golden Summit, you can experience the natural weather wonders such as: lightning and thunder refining the palaces, a sudden thunder bursting on the flat, fog spraying from a figure of sea horse, round light image of the Master appearing, the moon knocking at the gate of the mountain and the light of Buddha.



  太和宫 明永乐十四年(1416年)敕建,建筑充分利用天柱峰高耸霄汉的气势,以明朝皇家建筑法式,巧妙布局,突出神权、皇权至高无上的思想,达到“美如天宫”的意境。宫中主体建筑金殿位于峰顶,为铜铸仿木结构重檐庑殿式建筑,工艺精湛,达到了明代铜铸艺术的最高境界,至今仍辉煌如初,是我国的稀世珍宝。金殿的须弥座及殿前的精雕石栏院子,为光滑细腻的石材叠砌而成,这种石材为竹叶状化石和三叶虫化石,距今约5亿年,像这样的化石作为古建筑材料,在我国尚属罕见。在金顶,可领略到雷火炼殿、平地惊雷、海马吐雾、祖师圆光、月敲山门、佛光等诸多天象奇观,令人叹为观止。





来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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