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紫霄宫(The PurpleHeaven Palace)
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:


  The PurpleHeaven Palace,Located under the Flying Flag peak, it is one of the best preserved existing palaces in the mountain. It was built during the period of Emperor Xuanhe of Song Dynasty(1119AD—1125AD); rebuilt in Yuan Dynasty; expanded in the 10th year of Emperor Yongle in Ming Dynasty and was given the name “Taixuan Purple Heaven Palace” by the emperor; and further renovated in the 31st year of Emperor Jiaqing in Ming Dynasty. The whole architectural complex adopted the royal style and took the advantage of the trend of the mountain. Hundreds of wide stone steps are built on the elevating hill slopes; various towers, pavilions, temples, palaces with red walls and green tiles are closely linked. All of these create an atmosphere of majesty and religion in the tranquil beauty of the natural surroundings, where the visitors still feel the power of Chinese emperors. Thousands of numerous precious cultural relics preserved existing in the palace serve as a feast for the eyes.

   紫霄宫 在展旗峰下,是全山保存最完整的宫殿之一。宋宣和年间(1119-1125年)创建;元代重建;明永乐十年(1412年)扩建,赐额“太玄紫霄宫”;明嘉靖三十一年(1552年)扩建。整体建筑凭借山势,采取皇家建筑法式,数百级宽阔的石阶依山叠砌,层层崇台气象森严,殿堂楼阁鳞次栉比,红墙翠瓦宏大壮观,远远望去威严肃穆,达到庄严神奇的意境,素有“云外清都”之誉。宫内保存数以千计的珍贵文物,琳琅满目。还有龟脖吐水、金银沙坑、金蛙叫朝、紫霄听杉等奇观。

来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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