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磨针井(The Needle-sharpening )
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:


  The Needle-sharpening Well The Needle-sharpening Well, another name the Chunyang Palace built in the period of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, is a small and exquisite Taoist Temple with the close layout. The well’s name came from the regimen story of Prince Zhenwu in Jingle State. It is said that during the initial period of his regimen practice in this mountain, he wanted to give up and go back to the secular world. But he was moved by an old lady’s “grinding needles by the iron stick” on his way down the mountain. Then he went back and finally achieved his goal. Now the well, the old lady’s statue, two needles as thick as the top of the bowl and the “ Zhenwu Regimen Pictures” are well preserved there.

  磨针井 亦名纯阳宫,建于清康熙年间,是一座纤巧玲珑,布局紧凑的道院。相传静乐国太子修炼之初,意志不坚,欲出山还俗,在此受姥姆铁杵磨针点化,复回山中修炼。现保存井亭、姥姆像、两根碗粗的铁针和真武修真的壁画等。


来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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